"A picture is worth a thousand words" so I will be silent and let my pictures speak for themselves.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Recent Photo Shoot


Del Seargeant said...

Interesting shot. What is that behind his head? (just curious :) It looks like a scale, but couldn't quite tell :D

You should check out our new English Shepherd web site. (I love having puppies around :P )


Say hi to your family for me!

Del Seargeant said...

Interesting shot. What is that behind his head? (just curious :) It looks like a scale, but couldn't quite tell :D

You should check out our new English Shepherd web site. (I love having puppies around :P )


Say hi to your family for me!

Del Seargeant said...

Oops! sorry!


Alanna Lexie said...

Hi Stephen,
I just found your blog and was really impressed by your talent. I love photography too, though I must admit I'm not that great at it; my passion is writing. Keep up the great work!
In Christ,