"A picture is worth a thousand words" so I will be silent and let my pictures speak for themselves.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

For the past several days my brother Phillip, cousin Cade, and myself have been driving to Texas where my cousin and I will be attending the VF Film Academy and Phillip will be working for Vision Forum for the next several months. I thought that I would share some pics of our trip with y'all. The first day we went over to Tim and Kristen's and spent the night and evening there. The next morning we left T&K's at 3:00 a.m. and drove straight to Denver, Colorado. We spent the night in Colorado and left the next day at 1:30 pm and drove state to San Angelo, TX at 3:30 am slept there for two hours and hit the road at 7:00 a.m. We got to Boerne Christian Assembly Church at 10:30 a.m. just in time for church. After church Peter, Kelly, Triumph, Phillip, Cade, and myself went out to lunch. And now I am writing from a coffee shop.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sun Rise

This was the most incredible sun rise that I have ever seen in my life.